Underlying Issues About Syria
I read a great deal about modern events as well as history. Currently I note that the commentaries about Syria, USA economics, and homelessness, etc. are becoming better informed and more articulate. Good for you John Q Public.
I would like to address the proposed attack on Syria by the current administration-some underlying issues you may not be aware of.
First off the Middle East concerns the vast amount of oil that we are all, in the Western world, and Asia proper, addicted to. Saudi Arabia remains the world’s largest oil producer and retains the infrastructure to process crude oil. What the Saudis want, they get, and for the past thirteen years of modern warfare in the Mid Eastern countries, notably Afghanistan and Iraq we have protected Saudi Arabia. We have protected the world’s oil interests at the tune of seven trillion dollars directly, and a total of now of 17 trillion dollars as our economy downturns.
War does bring profits and economic illusion of prosperity, however we need to look around us and see the failure of this 113 year old belief system that “…a little war is good…” by T. Roosevelt-former USA president during the Spanish-American War.
So why are we becoming involved militarily in Syria? There are several Mid Eastern countries already involved in civil war, which leads to less organization and cohesiveness to unite in Muslim philosophy of common causes. The problem is that there is tribal history and religious segments all vying for power-chaos!
While this disruption is burning, the Western powers that be applaud this from the point of view they cannot unite. Unification could cause severe oil related damage to the Western World.
Do we want the rebel forces to overcome the established government of Syria? Probably not in the concept of stability and organized government as Syria is a last stepping stone to the theory of invading Iran, another oil rich country. Since the Syrian legal government is winning against the rebel forces, it strikes the Western Powers with maintaining a balance of chaotic strife. This leads to orchestrating horrors of warfare and violations of the Geneva Conventions, i.e.: gas warfare.
The interdiction of the USA with a missile attack, guised as punishment for moral reasoning, is propaganda. The balance of chaos must be maintained.
Underlying all this mess, keeping on the focus of oil is a proposed oil pipeline from Qatar in Saudi Arabia to the coast –through Syria. Although this is not clear as to the reasoning of the legal, still in power, government of Syria rejection, though it appears to be on religious grounds based on tribal power and control.
You will recall that the oil issue in Afghanistan was to construct an oil pipeline to Pakistan/India from Iraq, which we had recently crushed. For their reasons they resisted to the war engaging them-which of course we lost, and there is no pipeline through Afghanistan. This strikes the writer as a classic blunder of arrogance and lack of diplomacy.
What will happen if we lob missiles into Syria? There is a great deal of gloom and doom speculation; notably inflaming the Mid East, drawing Israel and Iran into the picture with military action and of course their allies, Russia and China would respond. Would this scenario take place? The use of Nuclear Weapons is a given. The intrusion of terrorists attacking the western countries, including the USA is a given.
So far to this date the survey of the American people is NOT to engage in a missile strike, or escalation of war in Syria. The Congress is opposed, in the majority, against the missile strike. However news discussion relates that the President, without Constitutional Authority, states that he will issues orders as the Commander in Chief to strike with missiles on a limited strike. This may cause Impeachment proceedings against the President.
Would this escalate tensions? Yes! Who would benefit? The two major Muslim religious views are Shira in Syria and Sunni in Saudi Arabia.
The only thing you and I can do is E-Mail your Congressman/woman, and state briefly your opposition, or approval of the strike-TODAY!
Peace and Good Wishes.
Old Timer,
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