Crisis of Entitlement
The brain reaches measured physical maturity about 20-25 years of age. Does this imply that the individual is capable of making earth shattering stock market predictions? What are the basic drives of these young individuals: cars, benefits, clothes, credit scores, hair gel and smooth hairless legs as the narcissist self important personality emerges-tempered by the reality of no money.
Alas, after making stupid life decisions about-NOW-wants and needs, the individual moves back into the parents basement with the child(ren) of a failed common law marriage. They are argued over in endless custody cases-all about money.
Grandma and grandpa, fearing lack of control, mortgage the house a third time to pay legal and court fees to keep the grandchild(ren) in their entitled child’s care.
We have created a society, neigh, a culture of lost souls scammed by the government passivity into illusions supporting that narcissist view of “ I am entitled”. Entitlement exists in handouts from the Federal Government, State Governments and Cities. Even small communities are supporting countless unwed single mothers, white, brown, black and yellow with paid babysitters, home food allowances, housing, social workers, education for non-existent jobs, drivers licenses, school meals, Medicaid and even for illegal immigrants up to a non taxable $9,182.00 a year cash, with classrooms filled with non English speaking children chanting ZULU dialects.
The crux of devalued moral standards permits entitlement thinking; the standard of work ethics no longer exists in the majority. The Federal government promotes this view. Your elected representatives have long given up and just side step their responsibility to change the focus of our culture.
Moving on in life at on about age 40-50 the entitlement of wealth dims subsequent to the pressing American Dream becoming debt with continuing TV promotions of extending that debt until you just die without medical care, a paid home, a newer car, and the children off and running in a career pattern.
To avoid this scenario Mr. Homeowner with the third mortgage is enraptured by the ever flowing idea of stock market investment through a broker who skims 20% off the initial investment while you are hopefully gaining a return before the investment closes shop and moves to Korea before the market crashes. His long term IRA and similar instruments look good for gaining cash so he can buy gold and silver-usually paper certificates, or gold coins of less pure advertised quality, filled with tungsten.
The question arises that if gold and silver is a real hedge on retirement stability, why doesn’t the seller keep the gold and silver instead of trading for paper currency? Does the grocery store, the creditors, take gold? Who does take gold and silver in tender as the markets crash and bonds devalue? Do you get the value back when the dip buyers pump up the market last time around?
This becomes a major worry for the middle age person-retirement. Social Security may collapse; what ever he gets is never enough-he turns back to the mindless TV drone of fantasies. Move to Panama-Move to Ecuador-Move to Brazil. The song of your wealth while living like a king on your Social Security- (still taxed), envisions exotic people, eating mangoes off your own trees, cheap pennies on the dollar laborers tending your estate.
If South America, Central America, Mexico, Sumatra, Indonesia, Australia was so great why is everyone trying to get to the USA?
Lastly we approach our very elder years, Old at 71, Old, Old at 76, so say the Gerontologists. In fact the turning point in older age has now peaked, and more, and more older citizens are electing Social Security benefits, cashing in their 401(K), and wondering how they will manage when the bank account is empty. We, as an older group think security when only a few years back we were taking cruise ship trips and vacations to see the grandchildren. The tide is turning into conservative thinking.
Our ability to hear is diminished, eyesight is blurry, and we forget what we are talking about. Canes, walkers, and scooters are on our list. We become more vulnerable to thugs and scam artists.
TV advertisements center around four forceful bell ringers for older folk, (1) Pharmaceuticals and the lightning fast legally required list of side effects in small TV print, such as death, vertigo, senility and the list goes on and on. (2) Lawyers are on the move with ads to get your money for being dead, albeit from the drugs you have been prescribed. (3) Reverse mortgages in their promotions to the desperate; they are tempting but dangerous as no one really gives away free money-the banks will get your retirement in a flash. (4) Mail tailored to your age for investments, funerals, death insurance, hospitals, hospice care and the ever-growing magic cures for arthritis.
From the way the government is going I think declaring my self as an” illegal” seems to be the best move.
May God Bless us all and God Bless the United States of America. Live long and prosper.
Old Timer
COPYRIGHT:, 8/24/2015. All rights reserved. Mark Steel.