Old Men take Heed!
While in Wal*Mart last week I chanced to meet an elderly man, actually my age. He related he was miserable and ready to meet his maker-suicide. He looked gray, stooped over with rheumy eyes and shaking hands.
He related that he wore a catheter because of his prostate being “Shut Off”. This means that his prostate, like a fist had closed shut, was not allowing his urine to flow naturally.
This all starts with the blood stream that circles the body, bringing health in one sense by cleaning up the dead cells, minerals, fat globules, and bacteria deposits, then dumping them through the kidneys. Once screened in the kidneys the now loaded acidic urine is passed to the bladder where it is held for a convenient time to urinate. What keeps the urine from dribbling or draining is the prostate.
The prostate is an interesting mammal muscle found in all males. It has more than just one function of holding back urine from the bladder discharge. It also produces semen and two hormones.
Semen is necessary to provide a fluid medium to allow sperm to flow easily during sexual intercourse. When the man has an erection, the urine flow component of the prostate squeezes down and allows from a different vessel the semen to mix with the sperm. The two hormonal ducts relate to the sex of the unborn. Yes, it becomes quite complicated down there and everything has to work right. Youth has its priority and by the time of 12, for males, semen is produced, sperm remains undeveloped, but can impregnate an ova in a female. The healthiest semen and sperm appear about age 20.
As we age, perhaps about age 50, we are on the down hill slide-mother nature does not want us to breed. Women relate to this stage of life as menopause. Perhaps, as many say, we can call this stage of life for men as “ male menopause”. May-September marriages usually, but not discussed, result in a higher incidence of schizophrenia, bi-polar disorders, and physical abnormalities.
There are two stages of prostate problems; those early signs are not too dangerous, usually infection, pain and worry. You can pass out too. Fortunately at this early stage you can be restored to health with a major strength antibiotic, otherwise you will probably get worse and die miserable from an infection. Homosexuals and bisexuals are most prone without a condom. The second stage, usually after some years of healthy active sexual life, signs become evident in most all men, although few want to admit they are in decline. Men who for religious reasons, or by choice based on ignorance, refrain from an active healthy sexual life have more problems. This is often called “The Priest’s Disease”.
The male at /or later than age 50 starts to have a lesser blood flow to the penis and “droops”, unable to have adequate intercourse. Hormones lessen and the age-old embarrassment begins. Old men start joking and jesting about non-performance. Women at about this time are somewhat relieved as their vaginal tissues are less lubricating and intercourse is painful. The current TV advertisements promoting Estrogen to lubricate the vagina as well as (the still promoted) Estrogen Therapy, is seriously not recommended.
A healthy prostate can be accomplished by an herb: “Small Flower Willow Herb”, Epilobium parviflorum. You can order the seed from HORIZON HERBS.com, and to grow and harvest the plants refer to Maria Treben’s famous herbal book: “HEALTH THROUGH GOD’S PHARMACY’ This beautiful book is available at Swedish Bitters.com If you can not grow your own plants, harvest and cure them you can order the cut herb in a dry container from Small Flower .com, Swedish Bitters.com, and of course Amazon.com. I might add that I have been drinking the tea of this plant for nigh onto 30 years with excellent results. Actually the herbal tea, twice a day, is tolerable although I prefer a drop of Splenda, a sweetening over the counter agent, or Stevia, an herbal sweetener, in the cup.
Once problems of dribbling, inability of passing urine, small skinny stream, short stream, hard to pass stream and usually with pain as you hear the crying of the elderly men in the public restrooms straining. If they cannot pass the urine the prostrate is clamped shut and not allowing the urine to pass naturally. This causes a back up in the bladder and as the bladder backs up, the kidneys are at risk.
First of all is there is dribbling. This can be caused by an uncircumcised penis-the skin folds up and urine can collect and dribble. Otherwise urine can come in squirts as the man strains the muscles to pump out the urine. Men have to realize that being 16 again is not possible and you have to accept Mother Nature’s dictates. Try not to retain any urine. Squirts are good. Retained urine is dark and cloudy, sometimes black. This indicates decomposition of the urine protein cells. This is infection promotion.
The purpose of the Kidneys is flushing the blood system and the waste flows into the bladder which when ready to be released is let loose by the prostrate through the penis. If the penis is erect, as in sexual intercourse, the prostate closes off the urine flow to allow the seamen to mix with the sperm and the two hormones. It is always advisable to empty the bladder at bedtime, sleep in a warm, but not hot environment, all entangled in blankets and heating pads. An air conditioner blowing across your feet or any part of the body is not good.
By all means avoid like death: soft drinks-cokes-Dr. Pepper, Pepsi and the like which will cause irritation of the bladder and as a sidelight: Diabetes. Coffee must be consumed, as would be tea, in limited moderation. Water is Adam’s Ale. Drink Water.
I would suggest to stockpile the Small Flower Willow Herb (in bulk) now as there appears to be a shortage developing from the Eastern European countries that grow this herb and ship it to the United States. Perhaps the influx of migrants may be the influence, Heaven only knows. As to growing your own from the dust like seed, take care and follow directions carefully. Harvest correctly. This plant for my purposes grows best in a hoop house with lots of sun. I also keep on hand the medical prescription: Flow Max. In the even of travel, or a lack of my Small Flower Willow Herb I can utilize this medication. There is some concern, although I am not sure of the validity to this, but the Flow Max has side effects. This must be discussed with your physician.
There is some controversy about Prostate Cancer. Basically it boils down to the fact when it starts to bother you, you have outlived your life. Prostate cancer is very slow in development.
The following news clip will be interesting:
Five Subtypes of Prostate Cancer Identified
The focus of this article is to keep a prostate muscle working so that you do not need catheters, chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, carrying a bag, and a miserable end of year’s life. No matter how far along you are, but before the physicians convince you that their mumbo-jumbo is the way to go, Try Small Flower Willow Herb.
God Bless us all and Bless the United States of America. Live long and prosper. Pass this article along.
Old Timer
COPYRIGHT: Back2theLand. All rights reserved, 7-30-15.
August 28, 2019 @ 2:28 pm
Going to try this, just ordered a bag of it . Ready to try anything that
may help tired of getting up all hours of the night and a lack of deep sleep.