Are you prepping? New motivations. Part 1
On June 22nd this year 2011, published a well documented piece on the Fukishima nuclear catastrophe as well as a new nuclear emerging Class 4 disaster right in our backyard: The Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant in Nebraska USA. What makes this piece interesting is: this information from
The gist is that the northern flooding has caused a “catastrophic loss of cooling”, and “… a no fly zone over the leaking plant has been ordered by the FFA.” Youtube videos demonstrate several forecasts: one being that the flood water will engulf the Radiation Active spent rods stored in the water pit of the nuclear plant and the wash over will spill into the Missouri River and then on into the Mississippi to the Gulf. Will this prove to be our undoing? Following the article in the OpEdNews reports list several grim reports, and highlights the factual consequences of the radiation. Not only what we are beginning to experience nuclear radiation particles from Japan in the Pacific North West, but also the demise of Japan itself. The current Fukishima disaster is stated by one physicist as, the “equivalent of 2000 atomic bombs.” That is today, since Japan admits it does not have the technology nor the expertise to cope, it will be several years before anything constructive will be done in reducing emissions-if ever, and the radioactivity is thousands of years active. The big plan now is to dig under the burning cores, which are bigger than our houses, and drag them into the ocean for dumping. There is no way to cool them otherwise the experts’ say.
Looking ahead in time there will be more cover-ups, news blackouts and attempts to keep the masses peaceable. Unfortunately for governments today we have the Internet and attuned souls that relay information.
The political speculation, the economy, the long-term health of our grandchildren, our food sources demise and the very air we breathe is at risk. Coupling this on a long-term basis with the oceans of the world losing its fish population, coral reefs dying and turning acid as a “dead sea” suggest a grim future. Add to this the past dumping of munitions, toxic nerve gas containers (in the Nixon era), and now the proposed nuclear waste material and burning reactors to be dumped into the dying oceans.
Then again there have always been prophets of doom so we must seek a positive, but cautious outlook for the immediate future, watching until the dust is settled and firm conclusions can be drawn. This leads us to prepping NOW!
The whole concept of prepping is to have a store of foods and supporting necessities in times of emergency when local government sources such as the electric power is OFF. Water is OFF. Employment is non-existent. Health issues, hurricanes, cyclones, tsunamis, spiraling hyperinflation, bank failures, mortgage repossession, and the list goes on and on.
Prepping implies that we do the best we can with what we have at the time of the incident-and we do it by being prepared. However no matter what you and I do, no matter how well we stock up and train ourselves for the worst case scenario we will never be as well prepared as the US Government elite people in Washington DC, ensconced in their well prepared feathered nest bunkers being waited on by their minions. These bunkers were originally established in the 1960’s and have been recently renovated and restocked with vast amounts of food.
Since we are not the Washington DC elite we have to be pragmatic and PREPARE, as an example: the complete destruction of food producing land in hundreds of square miles in Japan and the uprooting and relocation of 100,000’s of people- permanently. There is even the speculation that the entire island of Honshu, one of the 5 islands of Japan proper will become uninhabitable forever because of the radioactive fallout. Tokyo has already lost a third of its population and shelves are getting bare in the local stores. Political rhetoric is trying to appease the masses by saying they will put a solar panel on every building and have “green power”. Amazing! When I lived in Japan it rained most of the time. Solar panels are useless in overcast and rainy weather.
We build, in California, nuclear reactors on Fault lines, and during the Bush II Administration following the Katrina disaster 26 nuclear plant licenses were issued for future construction. Maybe they could build on in our county of Floyd with all the water originating within at 46 degree F. The rhetoric would say: It would create jobs, lower electric prices and provide good water-cooling for the spent rods, (that never, ever, quit emanating radioactivity.) Yes, I can see it now- maybe you will hear it in your county. The road to prosperity is growth-or so we are told. I think we must reconsider the lies and propaganda we have been trained to follow.
So we see quite clearly every day tragedies and potential calamities that may occur sooner or later effecting YOU and YOURS. The best we can do as Preppers is stock up on foods and that is focus of this article series. We live in a farm setting that gives us a pre-planned advantage to grow food and escape the chaos in the cities. Most readers live in apartments of suburban tiny holdings insufficient to raise livestock and become self sufficient in food production. This turns us into another appraisal: How long can you hold out? How long is the expected disaster going to last? What can you do? Less than 2% of USA Citizens live in a rural state and the ones I know all dine at McDonalds and have a postage stamp garden for a few tomatoes. Gone are the days of real self-sufficiency because today you have an income, probably credit and probably welfare check of some sorts.
The modern view option is to purchase freeze dried, nitrogen packed, canned foods, bulk dry foods and such supportive needs to sustain us for at least one year. True, that nitrogen packed foods are advertised to keep 25-30 years in ideal storage and to this end we look at those boxes sitting in the closet for an unknown future when you have no other option.
Bulk foods, like bags of dried beans, dried potatoes, dehydrated vegetables, cans of lard, sugar, and salt stores are on the list and will probably last a few years properly stored in the other closet becoming the mainstay of survival before the nitrogen packed foods are utilized.
If you have garden produce, or produce from the farmers markets, you may be able to CAN in glass jars, specially designed Ball© and Kerr© canning jars, your own foods to last a couple of safe years.
Of course there is the daily refrigerator and cupboard stores you are always replenishing from Wal*Mart © on a 3 day cycle. Freezers extend the storage possibilities but you have to have electricity. If the power goes out- so does your frozen foods. Do you have a generator?
Are you motivated yet? The seriousness of the world demise is NOT a Video Game, but a real life-threatening situation. Next week we are going to discuss what kind of pre-packed and bulk foods to purchase and how to use them in a dire consequence. In the mean time an excellent article series, well documented can be found at:
God Bless,
Old Timer
COPYRIGHT: 2011,, Mark Steel, all rights reserved