Herbs: Flu and You. SPECIAL REPORT
Last November 2, 2008, I wrote an article on flu and I am surprised that since so many people are dropping like flies at this time, infected with who knows what flu symptom viruses, they did not go back in the archives to re-read on this subject. I am writing this article in response to many readers and visitors who are seeking an herbal approach to their flu symptoms.
First off let me interject my disclaimer. I am NOT a Medical Doctor. I am a plant/herbal person. Always see a qualified Medical Doctor if you have flu symptoms. Also inform your physician if you are taking any herbal or other supplemental over the counter medications (OTC) as they may interact with anything and everything. For my purposes I am describing what I do with my family who are in good basic health and not on any other medications.
I am of the opinion that nobody knows what is floating around in the flu spectrum at present but at the increase of the sick people, especially young people, it is a newer virus and could become deadly. We just do not know, and if you want facts from the Government, their policy is not to “alarm” the public. Based on this and what I can glean from the media- this is how we treat ourselves.
Tincture of Astragalus is known to strengthen the body. I have this each morning with my Chamomile tea (a relaxant).
Tincture of Echinacea plus Astragalus.
Tincture of Echinamid (More potent) plus Astragalus.
Tincture of Osha and Lomatium (usually a compound tincture).
Plus tincture of: 7 Mushroom Blend, plus Echinamid, plus Astragalus.
In addition the supplement of the European Black Elderberry: Sambucol is warranted, as it is another specific for antiviral immune enhancement. For the gardeners, this winter we will have a long series on growing these and other beneficial herbs.
These tinctures are available in health food stores such as EATS in Blacksburg, the HARVEST MOON in Floyd, and your local Yellow Pages under Natural Foods Stores. You can also order via: www.Amazon.com, www.iherb.com or other sources on line. Using on line ordering implies UPS delivery to your doorstep and you do not have to expose yourself to hacking coughs in the public domain. If you do go out there is no shame in wearing a N-95 facemask. I do. These are common, inexpensive gauze type masks available in your local drug stores and hardware stores. Wash your hands several times a day and do not lick your fingers, especially after pushing shopping carts.
Print this out and use it for shopping.
These are proven anti-viral and immune enhancing supplements. Common sense is that if you are sick, go take a hot soak, wrap up warm and sleep. At the first sign of chest congestion go to the Emergency Room at a local clinic, or hospital. Pneumonia can kill real fast.
Granted there are many other herbal applications, recipes and experts in the field. How well you take care of your body, past health issues, and lifestyle and perceived stressors all contribute to your goal of health.
God Bless,
COPYRIGHT: 2009, Back2theLand.com, Mark Steel