EBOLA, Unforgiving and still raging
No matter what the “sunshine feel good” news article are from the Liberal media, EBOLA still rages in West Africa and is spreading. What this article wants to address is the “why” of the spread-the terrible poverty, ignorance, religious rituals, lack of cooperation from the populous and starvation looming in the wings.
I do not think that Dear Reader is truly aware of the incredible poverty of the native indigenous people in Western Africa. Up into the early 1800’s Africa per se was native with adaptive native cultures, traditions, rituals, and living a far better life style collectively than how they are living now. What has killed off the hope and future of the Black Africans is the White Man’s intrusion; English, German, Portuguese, in the early 1800’s, then in the 1960’s Chinese intruded. Now of course is the major USA dominated industrial ventures that rape and pillage the countryside, pay off dictators, and keep the shuffle and buck in poverty. All this is a form of slavery, and is much worse than what the USA did to the USA Black population up to the 1970’s following the USA Civil War.
A major contributing reason for the release of pathogens such as EBOLA, and now the seasonal LASSA Hemorrhagic fever begins our inquiry. The dozen or so Hemorrhagic fevers always present were contained in nature-the deep forests, wildlife and diversified predator insect populations. Disease was minimal in years past although measured in the thousands it was less than today’s modern African society.
EBOLA, our main concern, emerged from the vast cut down forests for foreign money ventures since wood is becoming scare in the world. China has already quit using wooden throwaway chopsticks as an example. Animals once free of disease had no counter balance to protect them and as infected became a vector for the protein hungry indigenous people who culturally fed on monkey, rats, grubs, and as would be expected, became also weakened and prone to the very deadly diseases.
The African indigenous peoples living in shanties with no safe potable water, no fuel, no nothing, scrounge what they can get by with and each day become weaker in nutritional strength, exhibit immune system decline and turn to their faith systems for succor. Currently the EBOLA spread has so weakened the labor force the people are unable to grow and harvest their crops. They are starving, yet there appears no insightful effort to feed these people. There is little liberal news commentary about this desperation, but the joys of few who made it to the USA for treatment of EBOLA and survived. The starving masses, tens of thousands at this point in time, would be expensive to feed even at the minimal calories of 900 calories a day in a refugee camp.
A critical review of the attached recommended news articles warrant the reader’s attention and speculative analysis. The two photo sessions scanning over 62 recent graphic pictures as you look into the background illustrate the poverty and questioned success of eradicating this epidemic disease(s).
Please note the article on the religious leader who was misdiagnosed and carried the EBOLA virus back to the home. Also note the family rituals about insisting about care of the dead with their subsequent demise. This particular variety of the EBOLA virus appears virulent and will spread. Once an epidemic arises it is difficult to contain-if at all- until it eliminates all the hosts.
(1) Mali battles a second EBOLA outbreak
(2) Mali reports a second larger outbreak
(3) Ebola virus: Second outbreak
God bless us all.
Old Timer
Copyright: back2theland.com, all rights reserved 11/13/2014