Enter the Trojan Horse
While the terrorists were attacking in Brussels there was an immediate shutdown to minimum power of the two nuclear power plants providing electricity, and another in Flanders. Had terrorists blown up either one of these reactor complexes, the resultant cataclysm would be a death knell for Europe with radiation lasting thousands of years.
So I ask, what will happen when the terrorists attack anyone of our nuclear reactors scattered across this vast land. Presently there are 61 power plants with 99 generators. More are planned.
Donald Trump proposes a halt to the immigration flow until we can organize our procedures to screen out the thugs. Hillary Clinton wants to bring in not 12,000 Syrians already planned, but 65,000 this year. I have not heard her plans for screening.
We are, Dear Reader, faced with more than a series of terrorist onslaughts when we take note that the potential real targets may be acquired easier than we can think.
Europe, namely Sweden and Germany, are under mass migration-swarms beyond comprehension that this writer believes to be another master plan by the Islamic radicals: ISIS, to not just break down the white culture of Europe but to completely destroy society as we know it. The migrants are for the most part innocent pawns yet malleable to accomplish the Sunni and perhaps Shiite goals of world Muslim domination.
As terrorist attacks become more common the liberal policy makers will be condemned and the right wing extremists will arise and effect a new race war. This is what ISIS wants, for where there is open-minded discussion there is peace, but with actual physical turmoil you break down the underpinnings of society. This has been observed in the history books for thousands of years of social integration. ISIS and their mindless sycophants want chaos followed by wars and destruction. Their goals and leadership define mental illness in the worst forms.
The United Nations, who is brokering an extended cease fire in the primarily Syrian war torn region, has effected the following results among the 49 or so countries involved, be it Turkey and Saudi Arabia threatening a massive invasion, supported by the United States, or the Shiite nations of Syria proper, Iran, and Hezbollah of Lebanon.
Russia, the primarily most effective source of military air power against the ISIS encampments, has agreed to reduce its ground troops and bombers, citing their objectives were complete with the caveat of retaining a reduced number of fighter aircraft to continue pounding the ISIS forces.
Turkey and Saudi Arabia want the borders realigned to suit their interests, which appears to be winning. The Kurdish peoples’ unrecognized state wants to be reorganized and situated along old tribal lines that include parts and cities of the Syrian state. Turkey and Saudi Arabia has successfully kept the Kurds out of the “peace talks”.
While this is going on the United States has not been active in hunting down the ISIS forces as agreed to. This has given Russia heed to return its forces to Syria. I do believe that the war will resume under the Obama Administration’s watch.
In the mean time Turkey still wants the 6.3BILLION dollars from the EU, simply a bribe, to manage the border crossing into Greece- a stepping-stone to Europe for migrants. The agreement so far appears to be: Europe may expel one undocumented migrant to Turkey but Turkey can have permission to send one Syrian documented person (family unknown at this point) through Greece. The millions of refugees and migrants awaiting the spring thaw and open borders policy of Merkle in Germany herald a pitiful reality waiting.
Enclaves are forming within Europe, and now in Sweden there are “NO-GO” zones because of danger to white citizens. Women, children, and adults are attacked by mobs of North African Somali, and Syrian thugs because they do not conform to Sharia (Muslim) Law.
While the BBC was filming a 60 Minutes segment in Stockholm, the mostly white film crew was attacked by mostly Somali youths, even run over by an automobile while the police did nothing and dismissed the incident, albeit from orders of the liberal left government of Sweden. I would think that tourism is on a major financial decline. I know that this writer is not going back to Austria for a visit. This author is staying right here in Floyd, gardening, hunting, and writing.
God Bless,
Old Timer,
COPYRIGHT: Back2The Land.com All rights reserved, 3/23/2016