Fukushima Arguments
I tend to err on the side of caution, however it appears that in order to not stir up the public, Fukushima radiation is not a big deal. So much for the official government news, that includes a message from the White House that you will view in the video below. There are several reports that indicate the severity of the radiation drifting over the western states and Canada- a high rise in child thyroid cancer. Also those with dosimeters, a device that measures radiation, are reporting after a rain runoff unsafe radiation levels. Currently radioactive isotopes have been discovered in Boston.
Before we get to the links which this author subscribes to it is imperative to understand that what is happening today is not what is going to be happening in the future. For example the radioactive rod assembles that are being removed from unit reactor # 4 is just the beginning, and barring an accident, tidal wave, earthquake, or typhoon the time frame is at least 10 to 12 years. Then we must consider the other 3 reactors that must be rod free. This implies a 40-year cycle of clean up; some postulate over a hundred years.
To make matters worse the melt down into the core of the earth is more radioactive dangers that affect the groundwater moving to the Pacific Ocean and adding to the contamination. Although the sunshine happiness of the United Nations as saying that the ocean is diluting the radiation the question arises what will be the death of living marine life in a hundred years, or thousands of years since this core melt down is at the present technology impossible to contain.
As the radiation levels continue in the ocean and move to the west coast the wave action breaks into spray. This radioactive spray is blown up into the various wind cycles and moved across the land. Some is blown into the western deserts to be again picked up by hurricanes moving from west to east.
The current projection for total contamination of the Pacific Ocean is 6 to 8 years. However the radiation is already at the west coast of the USA but was not expected for 2 to 3 years from now. Time marches on. Cancer, and there are many forms of cancer, is expected to be prolific in 16 more years across the USA.
Eventually all this radiation will engulf Europe and spread on into Asia, although the close proximity to Asia proper from Fukushima implies a double whammy.
Defense against this is to be informed and to make preparations. Our next article in this series will explain dosimeters, the current measurement of radiation you can test for yourself, advisability of moving elsewhere, refugees, food shortages and general breakdown of society-no not tomorrow but within the life span of your children.
Another topic I would like to address within this scenario is that nations become stressed and the people become stressed. It could be expected that radicals will institute nuclear war by missile attack and all we need is missiles or other crazies blowing up existing reactors and igniting another Fukushima, here or there.
I would recommend the following videos for your intelligence gathering.
The best guess scenario time frame from the experts is as follows.
- With No earthquakes at Fukushima with rod removal by eyeball, and not computer memory (which was destroyed in 2011) will be 40 to 50 years for all 4 destroyed reactors. The cost may exceed 1 and 1/3 trillion dollars and the Japanese government is tasking the Tepco Electric Company to pay.
The advocates for starting up-again- all the reactors in Japan will improve their economic viability, however the public is opposed. The economic viability is highly based on selling to the public and outsourced to the USA radioactive fruits and vegetables.
- The worst-case scenario is that there will be another plate shifting earthquake-maybe another tsunami that will flatten the reactors and causing an “atomic” reaction that will spew radioactive clouds for an undetermined time frame-probably a thousand years. Since the entire Japanese coastline is within the “ring of Fire” and is subject to daily tremors the likelihood of another and certainly worse catastrophic event is certain. This is a reason that TEPCO, the electric company handling the rod removal is rushing the project that would normally allow for the rod cooling for 6 years prior to total removal to a spent pool.
Scientists and concerned anti-nuclear people are deathly afraid of the worst case scenario but are not making inrioads to informing the European and North American public. There is more information dissemination in Central and South America.
- Assuming that Fukushima reactors collapse and a total melt down and reaction occurs there is no way known to control this event and all life on this planet will be destroyed. (So say the experts-not me) Year saturation of the west coast of the USA implies a massive refugee situation toward the east coast. What is first tragic, as currently indicated, is the thyroid health issues in small children; older people are more resistant to thyroid cancers. It is advisable to have on hand anti-radiation iodine tablets for the family, and what is not known is that you have to have a goodly supply in case of waves of radiation, or the horrors of some radical group firing missiles or “dirty bombs”. These are inexpensive and available at Amazon.com for the best price. I would recommend to Prepper your family with these tablets if…they will be in short supply in a real event.
I understand that reading about and viewing film clips/videos is disturbing and leads to all sorts of stressors, but in this case we must remain informed. Advice at this time will in the years to come change and we must remain informed of new avenues in how to deal with this nuclear incident and others that will, in time, happen over again.
God Bless Us All.
Old Timer,
Back2theLand.com, Mark Steel, all rights reserved.