Herbs for the Immune System
All of the hemorrhagic fevers, including common colds and flu all boil down to what you can do with your body to insulate it from the attacking bacteria or virus. I am not eliminating vaccinations or antibiotics; you have to do the best you can with what you have at the time you are attacked. Be Prepared.
Review of the EBOLA comments from the health care Doctors point to the survivors, however few, (in that desperate West Africa environment of poverty and ignorance) is that those saved had better NUTRITION. This implies that the body’s IMMUNE SYSTEM functioned better. There is a case in point though. The EBOLA virus attacks the host cells in a different form than most viruses by envelopment, so that the body’s protective T Cells cannot penetrate the EBOLA… this implies a higher death rate.
Recent observations of the Neanderthals teeth and pre-farming cultures of ten thousand years ago show no cavities in teeth. True, the teeth were worn and lacked our modern dentistry, but no cavities. Following the hunter-gather stage of human development into an agricultural setting cavities appeared. Why? Grains when converted to sugars cause cavities and God only knows what it does to bone development. But, grains have indicated a better brain development in size supported by archeological morphology studies. What I am driving is: staying on track for a better immune system is a proper balanced diet and the AVOIDENCE of junk fast foods. This includes sodas, and “energy drinks”, in fact if you read the label: anything related to sugar. The rest of the chemicals in the micro label of contents are undecipherable except by a chemist.
There are new and mutating viruses emerging each day. The D-68 virus, is sweeping the nation, and thought by many, including this author, to be brought in by the 69,000 plus child migrants in the American Dream Act. Mostly migrant children may well be carrying this virus, although immune to it from centuries of exposure and self-immunity system safe guards. However, Hospitals are overwhelmed with children native to the Unites States who are displaying severe breathing and muscle impairments. Some have died, especially the younger age group as their immune system is less developed. There is a connection, although the CDC, believes people will, for political reasons, accept that this particular virus emerged in California years ago versus the migrant theory. True, but it was in the migrant Hispanic community from Mexico and/or Central Americas. The problem now is that it is exposed in the USA public school system; it is transmissible and will mutate. Time will tell, but at what expense to our children?
What interests me, since we have opened the boarders to migrants is that in Africa, pitiful small children who were orphaned by the EBOLA deaths of their parents, hungry, neglected and feared as carriers of the disease will be rounded up and brought to the United States as a humanitarian gesture. Their numbers exceed 3700. The current death rate for EBOLA is a death every 18 minutes and as of yesterday was about 3,512 dead. Sick were over 7,000. Since EBOLA can be transmitted by body contact, and little children are always hanging on the mother, could they also be infected?
Few people today can remember, much less been taught in the school system or by great grand parents the ravages of disease in this country. During the Civil War between our states more solders died from measles, yellow fever, small pox, cholera, scarlet fever, typhoid right here in Virginia. When I was a boy, Confederate solders still held parades, however few they were. Measles is back. Polio is back. Small Pox is in the South West States. We may expect more disease exposure due to the ineptitude of the Government permitting anyone to refuse vaccinations.
What is also scary is the South American and Central American NEW EMERGING DISEASE labeled Chikungunya. Marlberg is back in focus in Africa that kills within a 9-day period. As industry decimates forests and wildlife we will see more diseases emerge that were contained in a natural state.
You do not have to be a hermit living in a cave to be safe. First you must eat a nutritional balanced diet. You, as an elderly person take advantage of the Flu inoculation available now in drug stores by a trained nurse. Your small children are prone to the flu. They need an inoculation also. For the rest of the folks in between what do you want: Days and weeks of flu, or an inoculation.
The reason I am beating the drum for a flu inoculation is that the vaccine is adjusted yearly for the mutation of the virus and the list of viruses it protects you from is long and deadly. Times are changing from the painful effects of a flu inoculation of the 1950’s. Trolls on the Net just spread anti-health propaganda.
A healthy body can be run down by any number of stresses, genetic predispositions, pills and nostrums sold on the market. Colloidal Silver is one, electrical stimulation is another. There exists all sorts of scams wanting your money for a magic cure-all pill. Desperate people will rationalize and be sucked into magic thinking. Think Nutrition.
Plant nutrition and medicines have been around for ages. My focus on health is building the immune system. Herbs are mild medicines, not a cure, since in most viral and bacterial attacks it is the immune system that keeps you going. Some herbs are astounding, others worthless. The following herbs and regimen is what we do for ourselves to support our immunity on a daily and emergency basis. Keep in mind when severe symptoms appear we are off to the Emergency Room.
(1) DAILY BODY SUPPLEMENT: Tincture of Astragalus, two drops in food or drink.
(2) ILLNESS, First Symptoms: Tincture of Echinacea, two drops plus Astragalus, two drops.
(3) FLU, First Symptoms: Tincture of Echinamide-This is a more concentrated Echinacea, two drops, also Astragalus, two drops as above.
(4) BAD FLU: Tincture of Lomatium Osha compound, Tincture of 7 Mushroom Blend, Echinamide ( 1st choice), Echinacea (next choice or double up.) Astragalus. 2 drops each as above.
(5) SIPPING TEA FOR FLU: Honeysuckle (flowers, leaves, and stems) shows potential as an antiviral. See The flu flower
THIS IS NOT A CURE but may aid the body’s immune system for swine and bird virus flu, perhaps D68 virus, flu and common cold viruses. This is not a cure for EBOLA.
These herbs are an additive to creating a healthy immune system and will not have any side effects or contradictions with medical intervention. Always tell your physician what you are doing with your body. These herb tinctures may be purchased locally at health food stores or ordered on line through any number of specialist pharmacies such as. . Amazon also carries these products. Shop and compare prices.
We have been growing our own herbs for years and make our own tinctures. With store bought tinctures it is best to follow dosage on the small bottle.
Since many people are concerned, or panicking about EBOLA, rushing to Amazon or other survival oriented suppliers and buying questionable dress and protection. This is what I do. I order N100 Anti Viral mouth/nose masks. N95 masks are particulate protection-not anti viral. I would use this N100 mask in Doctors and Hospital waiting rooms, around sick people and in large gatherings such as on an airplane, stadium, schools, rest rooms, etc.
The Tyvek white coveralls are not anti-viral. EBOLA viruses are smaller than common viruses, and this regulates these impressive coveralls to particulate covering protection, i.e.: dust.
Wash your hands often and before meals. Carry a small bottle of bacterial disinfectant and use this before eating and after handling ladles in all you can eat sidebars. We want to muscle train the hands to keep off the face. Your eyes, mouth and nose are viral targets. When in a public restroom after washing your hands with soap and warm water for at least 5 minutes, use the paper towel to open the door handle thereby reducing the risk of viruses. The soap dispenser, door handles and toilets aerosol flushes are major bacterial and virus carriers. Wash your hands. Rest rooms are a place to slip your N100 mask on.
If viruses become pandemic and dangerous you might consider not shaking hands with others, nor hugging. Kissing is out too! Darn.
Periodically you need to chlorinate your well water. Chlorine is the most effective, easily obtained and secure disinfectant for viruses. You will note in some news photos clean up crews in Africa and the United States spray dead bodies and inside residences with chlorine.
You may be interested in this link: How Doctors Test for Ebola
All of this sounds grim and we are inclined to rationalize it will never happen… But it may… Who Knows for certain?
God Bless. Live long and prosper
Old Timer
COPYRIGHT: Back2theland.com All rights reserved 10/7/14