Now it is 60,000 children…
The number of migratory Hispanics, and others, including Syrian, South American nationals, Libyans and other Mid East peoples is increasing every day. 300,000 this year are projected-today-but the number will rise.
Let us take another look at the border crisis.
The blame game now goes back to President Regan, then more blame for the mess on President George W. Bush. President Obama is in the hot seat now, and little is to be done in Washington D.C. seats of government since the November elections are forth coming.
In the mean time the rhetoric of Democratic and Republican parties, both with good arguments remains in horn lock while the migration continues on and on and on.
What is not addressed but in passing opinions by the people is the health issues of the migrants bringing into the USA proper. TB is listed as the most prevalent aside from lice, as well as inability to have hygienic standards. Couple this with conditioning of violence issues as M13 gang members from South of the border are using this as an avenue to enter the USA. M13 is most prevalent in Washington D.C. Los Angeles California has 1.2 MILLION gang people.
Southern California which has millions of Hispanics who are in a quandary about accepting their kin folk and looking at diminished natural resources, i.e.: food, water, employment, welfare and gang violence have divided views, mostly though supporting the Democratic view. “We will take our brothers in.”
It was stated by a Russian demographer a few years ago that the United States would be divided into regional areas-vice states of the Union. It would appear that this scientist may have been on to good research as the Caucasian and Black populations of California are being out bred, out migrated, and draining the working taxpayers of the state into poverty that they, the Caucasian and Black communities will disintegrate starting their own exodus towards the east coast.
Now couple this scenario with the expected years and years of drought expected in the southwest and mid USA states. Food production will dissolve leading to scarcity and great expense with the loss of aquifer water and climatic natural rains. 500-year droughts in history are well documented leading to various indigenous cultures to just die off.
While all this is going on for the next decade we also have to look at the impact of global weather change. Mega storms will increased and although that tells me to “batten down the hatches” in preparation around this homestead, many in transit from the west will not have such a resource. I would suggest buying a retreat now. A future article will be directed on hints in rural property purchases
A few short years ago I had hired a Hispanic day laborer who after talking about the life in Mexico admittedly said the he had been captured by the border security and sent back to Mexico three times. But perseverance lucked out and he made it to this county, married a girl who was a citizen by birth, had a baby. He was “anchored”.
This week a train in Mexico went off the rails with over 1300 migrants-most injured, who were heading to the border. This brings to mind why we, the United States cannot get Mexico to stop contributing to our collapse. If we stopped buying Mexican Oil, or threatened to tear up the NAFTA treaty, Mexico would tighten up. Currently Mexico has had a long-term problem with border issues in the south wherein thousands of migrants are swarming into the Mexican Social Welfare drain on their economy and it is only likely they will transport them elsewhere-the USA.
President Obama today, has requested 4.2, BILLION dollars to stem the tide of migratory Hispanics, and others. This is raised from 3.7 BILLION yesterday. Yet this is stated to be useless to stem the “American Dream” law, which in turn is a boiling point in the Republican dominated Congress. This vast sum is questioned to be used to reduce or impede the migrations. If we look at this sum, where will it be distributed? Perhaps the National Guard expense, more border patrol agents, bigger fences, more suitable buildings to house the migrants, more busses. Add health care, educational expense, welfare adjustments, social workers, maybe police…the list goes on.
Most likely a great deal of this will be to buy off the countries south of the border who are exporting the migrants with their billboard advertisements of the “American Dream” and “Open Borders”. There is little that can be done in small, life long corrupt countries to make any realistic changes in their administration. The less they have to feed, cloth and house, the better it is. They do not want to collapse from overpopulation too.
Hostility reins in the political spectrum-especially with Presidential future contenders like Rick Perry, Governor of Texas who is bearing the brunt of the migration expense, coping with diminished resources and petty bickering from Washington D.C. bureaucracy. Since he has requested the National Guard to help in the interim, there is no help-just political bickering. Elections are coming and they will be bitter but still indecisive as usual.
I would think that Governor Perry would form his own Texas Militia to help. There are several private militia groups engaged along the entire Rio Grande border. Perhaps counties like us need to consider preparation for militias to assist the few in the Sheriff police force.
To sum up this mess, already bus loads of migrants are heading to where they want to go in the USA with free transportation by bus and plane, merely showing a zerox form to the transportation agency for free passage. This form states when they will have to return for a court hearing-yet the question is how many will honor that summons.
The suggested issue is that this migration will contribute to the demise of the United States of America since we cannot yet care for our own Veterans, homeless, elderly and infirm. Bankruptcies loom around the corner within this decade. All ready the rabble rousers in the ghettos are starting to motivate the masses to riot. 50,000,000 people in the USA are in poverty.
On the positive side the migration of Caucasians and blacks eastward may contribute to real estate ventures, new skilled labor, military strength increase along with educational growth in the job skills area. To overcome the past exodus of the factory’s to China, our usual political answer is to become more involved in wars: Hence the warnings of President Eisenhower are true-“Beware of the industrial-military complex…”
Interesting times wait.
God Bless China, who now controls not only the pork industry, but also the chicken industry. Perhaps we can load the migrants to China?
Three recent articles that may interest you are:
Border Meltdown: Obama Delivering 290,000 Illegals To U.S. Homes
God Bless again,
Old Timer.
COPYRIGHT: 7/2014,, all rights reserved.