Tens of Thousands of Children…
Throughout modern history, border contentions have been argued, debated, and failed in the attempt to contain migrations of refugees seeking solace. We are at this time at a turning point in our own history of border disquiet between Mexico and the Southern Border States such as Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. This is, as I reported some years back, is of small consequence compared with the now growing additional influx of Central American refugees massing the border of southern Mexico, and by train, boat, bus, truck or afoot, they are heading to the American Dream. Presidents dating back for decades have skirted the issue of illegal border crossings, based on the farmers lobby for cheap labor. In short nobody has done anything to address the issue of 260,000 average refugees crossing the border each year. Ho Hum! The issue has been tossed back and forth as I can remember to the 1940’s as a political issue.
Today all the rhetoric, smokescreens and mirrors to the voting public has glossed over the issue and nothing has been done; at least nothing, or any consequence save the honored undermanned Border Patrol between the USA and Mexico Border.
The drug expansion in modern years is an admitted failure of deterrence by the Federal Government, probably based on the increase of illegal drugs into the USA after the NAFTA treaty with Mexico that opened the highways to the central United States. Yet, as we the United States proper suffer under increased illegal and debilitating drug use in a declining economy the question is why anyone would trek a thousand miles to get into the American (failing) Dream.
We speak of the Central American Governments unable to cope with the Drug Cartels who exploit and dominate local politics and stability of these countries. It is so disgustingly oppressive it is no wonder that people try to escape their crushing poverty, exploitation, and ruthless intrusions into their lives. There is NO HOPE in these countries for the poor, the hungry, and the downtrodden. Life is grim.
The humanitarians among us seek sufferance for these masses of refugees. The militant isolationists among us seek to build high barrier walls on the Mexico-United States border, topped with razor wire, electric sensors, armed patrols and death dealing sharpshooters. The political elite among us seeks to keep open borders for the cheap labor and cite expense of building barriers. The millions of legal immigrant families coupled with laws that support illegals to maintain a foothold in the United States are eagerly sought out to appease and promote citizenship as a voting lobby.
Facing population growth facts is that the economies of Central America and marginally Mexico cannot support the growing populations, ergo: Get them cleaned out, take their land and develop it for rich Yankee retirees-yes this is being done.
What is not discussed in open forum is South America, which is also teetering on economic oblivion who will promote covertly the joys of migration. I would predict this within a decade. In the meantime our elected representatives are not cohesive in establishing an immigration policy that reflects the current and future of the United States. They remain mired in obsolete views, personal whims and under the table recompense for voting, or not voting, one way or the other.
The crux of this article is that in the past week there have been tens of thousands of children, mostly teens, but some as young as 4 and 5 swarming the borders seeking solace that we can barely provide for on such short notice.
Recall when Castro opened his floodgates for immigration across the 90 miles of open sea to Florida some years back. This was an economic disaster for Florida and it almost went bankrupt trying to deal with the thousands of refugees and criminals. There was no place to house the refugees, save a few who already had families in Miami. Many were housed under automotive overpasses, tents and busses. Food was short and sanitation non-existant.
Refugees, walls of refugees, have in history been used as a “weapon” to break down the opposition in times past. In our case we are expecting by official estimate 170,000 children to mass our gates by the end of this year, plus the usual 260,000 adults over the fence illegal. Some experts predict higher numbers. I support that view.
The southern boarder states are ill equipped to handle such influx of children and this will surely create more political useless rhetoric in Washington. The issue Mr. Representative is that they, the children, the Children’s Crusade is here and now, and you have to face facts you cannot send them back to wherever on planes. They are here for the duration. They and the tens of thousands to come en mass will become a major drain on the economy, yet nothing will be realistically done to assuage their needs, they will remain in FEMA camps and holding pens, most likely for years until perhaps the younger children are in social services and placed in foster care which will break the states coffers in support.
The existing law about anchor children and the next influx of their parents may be true or not, the laws are so vague and seemingly deliberately vague to support any view you the Dear Reader subscribe to. Be assured though the migration will not stop now that it is underway, the new laws enacted to cope with this situation will no doubt, as before open the door to other ethnic peoples en mass and we will become quite clearly like Great Britton who has an unsolvable people problem threatening to change the basic way of life.
Will our life styles and the American Dream change in our children’s experience? The confluence of ethnic millions will bottleneck the future progress of our dream, the resultant diversity will separate into large factions of new political separations of states and create in it’s own views conflicts yet unimagined.
God Bless us all.
Old Timer,
COPYRIGHT: Back2theLand.com, June 17, 2014, all rights reserved.