The World Trembles in Ignorance
Such a beautiful planet we are blessed with; although the recent Nuclear talks in Washington and data coming in from the Russia suggests we are back in a cold war; maybe a hot war. Perhaps the beauty will fade as the war drums beat to quarters.
Recall that Russia had told their citizens “Prepare for nuclear war…”. It appears that Russia has been altering the START treaty perimeters by placing MIRV’s on the launch vehicle. Up until recently the majority of launch vehicles contained only a single warhead, as we had stated in a previous article in this series of gloom and doom.
MIRV has indeed become a reality. In fact, two Russian missiles: the SS-N 32 and the SS 27 have been upgraded to carry 10 MIRV warheads. More missile upgrades are in development; one model, the SSX-30 will carry 10 MIRV’s. Wait there is more: the really big missile, the SSX-31 may carry as many as 15 MIRV separate reentry warheads.
Each warhead contains separate purpose missiles which may be in any combination of a cruise missile, a subsurface missile, an air burst missile, a decoy, and of course a blanket electric grid destruction. Perhaps more?
God in Heaven, is this the end of the world?
All these new missiles are to be launched by submarine, silo, probably the new Russian bomber, and of course on the new model road carry launcher, and a railroad model launcher.
The START Treaty limits the launch vehicles to 700 on both sides with 1550 warheads each for the USA and Russia. However the USA, under the Obama administration has decreased the nuclear deterrence considerably according to Former Defense Secretary Perry. Secretary Perry had recommended the elimination of our land-based silos, most likely as they would be a first strike catastrophic radiation horror, and has suggested that we, the USA, continue on bomber and submarine deterrence.
While this is going on, the other nations with nuclear weapons such as Pakistan and India are still arguing and threatening each other. The major threat here appears to be the lesser control of radioactive materials, perhaps nuclear devices falling into ISIS hands. Pakistan is developing tactical nuclear missiles. North Korea is a major threat. We have, with endless “talks:” allowed this tiny state to have nuclear power generator plants that produced enriched uranium and plutonium for weapons.
The recent terrorist attack in Brussels is still the hot spot of news interest with some new revelations. The nuclear material guard, found shot inside his bathroom with his faithful sheep dog, shot 3 times in the chest, with his badge and identifications stolen. He did not work at the nuclear power plant, but at a radiation facility some miles distant. It is speculated that the badge and identification would be employed to gain access and steal radioactive materials for a dirty bomb, or access to one of seven nuclear reactors to create another Fukushima disaster. When the three nuclear power plants cut their output to minimum, the number of employees was over 1000 at each power plant. Considering the Brussels past poor history of security and checking in and out a thousand employees, ISIS could wreck havoc with the vast shifts of workers passing through a check point; just a badge and a flash of identification, however altered, would give access. Nuclear power plants are massive complex structures.
Interestingly Colin Powel, former USA Secretary of State, was informed of the poor security issues at the power plants and for Forward Deployed Weapons storage of nuclear weapons. It took three years before the Brussels government elite added security; perhaps because of the political correctness of multiculturism policies that would offend Islamists. President Obama has attempted to assuage any worries from the populace, referencing the potential for a “dirty bomb” threat in the USA.
On a more major scale, the NATO forces that include three brigades of US troops are stretched across a wide semi circle of Europe to thwart Russian aggression. There is not much of a chance of the USA-NATO invading Russia. Nazi Germany tried with 3 million troops and very good tanks, but failed. The build up by the US of 35-year-old Abraham tanks and related field equipment is matched in theory with Russia’s very modern tank force. All this kerfuffle over political posturing and support for the Ukraine wealthy leaders who are openly rejected by the majority of the Ukraine countries people. The Ukraine is a vast area and has some of the best wheat fields in the world. They are also ideal flat lands for tank warfare.
Who is going to man-up these brigades? Officially from the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces, women now have the dubious political correctness of being required to enter combat. This is a long way from “equal opportunity”. The military statistics state that less that 1.8 percent of women have the physical requirements to enter combat, much less the psychology of dealing with horrors of combat. The remainders are not equal to males for strength and mental discipline. Women have great value in the military but must be utilized according to the physical and mental standards of service needs.
Accordingly, you will see young women being listed in the draft. This might be a good question for the Presidential candidates.
Perhaps you would like to view and play with the “Nuke Map” Click on the two links below. Note the choices are in kilotons and megatons. The basic bomb used was the Hiroshima fission device and not a fusion, which is more powerful. So we go from fission, to nuclear, to fusion (which is a hydrogen bomb). North Korea has released to the world reliable pictures of their latest hydrogen warheads apparently two missiles in the one warhead.
(Link # 1) Washington Post article
(Link # 2) What if your hometown was hit by an atomic bomb?
God Bless,
Old Timer, 4-4-2016 All rights reserved