The conflict: Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, other Mid Eastern states and of course the catalyst of Islamic Terror-ISIS is growing exponentially. Russia has recently stepped in on the side of Syria to fight ISIS and anti-Syrian rebels. You may recall that the USA-NATO has withdrawn from the conflict essentially due to the escalation of the Islamic state of Turkey shooting down a Russian bomber airplane. Russia has negated its accord with the USA and NATO concerning their aircraft safety and remains committed to destroying ISIS, and the Syrian rebels of mixed ethnic, tribal, and extremism.
Russia demands an apology from Turkey about the shooting down of a Russian aircraft. Turkey refuses citing that Russian aircraft for a number of seconds was in Turkish airspace. One pilot was rescued and the other was shot while parachuting from the stricken aircraft. The body of the pilot has been delivered to Russia for burial.
This incident has raised war alerts on both sides of the Turkish-Russian borders as the President of Russia has signed into effect severe sanctions against Turkey, a trading partner with Russia. The 85 BILLION dollar sanctions are crippling the economy of Turkey in the long term-even tourism; a 10 BILLION dollar industry in Turkey has been cancelled by Russia.
Russia continues to bomb ISIS back to the Stone Age focusing on the endless chain of filled oil tankers heading into Turkey for resale of the stolen oil. . This weakens the ISIS wallet. While this is going on, much to the surprise of readers is that the USA is dropping warning leaflets to the ISIS truck and refinery workers about impending attacks.
This oil supply cut off is a further economic blow to Turkey-an Islamic state. Estimates range upwards of a 25 BILLION dollar loss.
Turkey is flexing its military muscle, and on the borders of adjoining states has poised tanks and troops.
Russia has also poised about 7,000 combat troops, another 4,000 equipment operators of electronic warfare and missile operation. The S-400 surface-air missile platform and the Krasukha number 4 jamming radar platforms, (capable of disrupting low flight satellites, ground and air missile defense), have chased NATO-USA aircraft from the borders and inside Syria-Iraq bombing zones. This is serious hardware, however, if an armed fighting conflict does arise will NATO and the USA aid Turkey against Russia? This is escalation, and that means WAR.
Russia continues to bomb the Rebel forces and ISIS. The USA has deployed an aircraft carrier and support ships to the region-they are at risk of the heavily armed Russian missile cruiser and missile carrying Russian Destroyers in the Mediterranean Sea.
President Obama is in Paris for an international climate change conference.
All of this is not in the local TV news. As Christmas beckons, you will see more of Santa than reality.
God Bless America. Live long and prosper.
Old Timer
COPYRIGHT: Back2theLand.com, 11/30/15, All rights reserved.